
[Archives March 2011] In general acne can typically be caused by yeast problems, smaller more numerous appearance or a staph infection, larger more pronounced appearance. The location on the face or body is also a big indicator as to what organ system may be compromised. For example, the forehead typically breaks out when the colon is imbalanced, while the cheeks and chin more often represent hormonal challenges. In all four scenario’s sugar is the first thing to exaggerate the problem. With staph we’d need to strengthen the immune system and hormones can be naturally balanced without med’s in most cases.

Acne on the back or other body areas are often the result of to much refined carbohydrate again causing hormone problems. Excess carbohydrates cause increased insulin which promotes the conversion of estrogen to testosterone in females and vise versa in males. This process is also completed with the inappropriate fat deposits, meaning the excess insulin causes extra padding in the seat for females and the infamous carbo-belly in males.

The best way to feed a zit is to enjoy refined sugar. Sugar feeds bacteria, feeds staff and yeast infections while suppressing the immune system. YUCK! There is virtually always a dietary cause to acne. The only reason I say virtually and not always is because there may often also be a need for supplementation as well.

Posted on May 9, 2011, in Children's Health, Family, Food - Symptom Connection, Nutrition, Pearls of Truth. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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